Soundbath Details:

  • 19th July
  • 24th August
  • 23rd September

Why attend soundbath?

Join us for the ultimate relaxation experience with a soul-soothing sound bath where soothing vibrations from a variety of gongs, enchanting tones of singing bowls, and the gentle rhythm of percussion come together to enhance your overall wellbeing.

Immerse yourself in the serene sounds of the gongs, singing bowls, and therapeutic percussion during this sonic journey designed to realign and rejuvenate with the power of sound.

This session will take place in the Lakeside Suite, offering breathtaking views of the nature that surrounds us, creating a harmonious connection between the soothing sounds and the beauty of nature.

Investment: £25 per person

Guests Investment: £35

Minimum participants required: 10

Click the button below to secure your spot.
